• The couple must obtain a valid Florida marriage license from a county court judge or clerk of the the circuit court and present it to the notary public.

    During the appointment, the Notary Public will review the couple’s identification and review the Marriage License obtained by the courthouse. The Notary Public will then perform the marriage ceremony. An example of a simple civil ceremony is printed below. It may be personalized and the couple may even exchange their own vows.

    The Notary Public is responsible for signing and stamping the Marriage License on the appropriate portion and handing it back to the couple to be filed with the clerk of the court.

As a Notary Public in Florida, we have the unique opportunity to officiate a marriage license.  It is a privilege to be a part of such a significant moment in a couple's life.  We officiate all loving relationships. 

Our marriage license service includes the Notary appearance, reciting the ceremony vows and notarizing the marriage license.

The couple must obtain a “License to Marry”  prior to the wedding ceremony from the County Clerk’s office. A marriage license is valid for 60 days after issuance. The notary public must perform the ceremony of marriage before this 60 days has expired. Blood Tests are not required in Florida. 

There is a 3-day waiting period after issuance of the license before you can get married, unless you have completed the Florida pre-marital course, in which case the waiting period is waived. For non-Florida residents a marriage license is effective immediately upon issuance. 

See sample of simple civil ceremony vows.

Our appearance rate is based on the number of attendees. The notarizing fee of $20 has been included in the rates below.

from $100.00